Monday, May 2, 2011

Laduree (Paris)

My friend Kristi has left London and is now on pastry assignment in Paris.  She sent pictures from Laduree in Paris today so I have to share them.  She bought five mini macaroons, a chocolate eclair, and a small piece of chocolate gateau for $25 USD....sounds pricey but she said it was worth every bite!  I will be in Paris June 9-11 and will sample some goodies for myself! 

If you have time, check out the Laduree web site because it is a work of art itself.

French cupcakes
(really nice photos are on their web site)


Macaroon selection

Beautiful packaging!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny! I am going to Paris June 2-6! Thanks for sharing so I know what goodies to look out for. By the way, you know you won my contest right?